Our mission

To unlock the potential in young people through adventure and self discovery.
Outward Bound Monaco

Founded as a charitable association in 2004, Outward Bound Monaco aims to promote Outward Bound throughout the Principality and offer the opportunity for young people who are resident or at school in Monaco to attend Outward Bound adventure courses in the United Kingdom.

Outward Bound courses are more than a summer camp, their centres are located in areas of  natural beauty throughout the United Kingdom. Outward Bound participants get to leave the familiar behind and head to experience adventures in the wild hills, lakes and lochs. Young people are taken on a journey of self discovery where they learn about teamwork, leadership and resilience, they overcome challenges and develop important life skills. 

Outward Bound Monaco are working to help inspire young people to believe they can achieve more than they ever thought possible, we hope they will leave their Outward Bound adventure with skills for life, a fresh confidence and motivation to succeed. Most importantly we hope that young people will take away the most important lesson they could ever learn: to believe in themselves.


To achieve our goals we need and welcome support from our local community. We are incredibly  proud to have H.S.H. Prince Albert II as patron of Outward Bound Monaco. We are also very grateful to our long term sponsors and supporters for their generosity over the years.  Please contact us for further information about the Outward Bound Monaco Association and news of our future fundraising events. 

Our core values

A belief that we all have undiscovered potential - we aim to create moments when everyone can see and believe in themselves as never before and to translate such moments into lessons for everyday life.

A belief in the power and magic of learning through adventure in the wild - as a means of bringing out the best in people.

A deep appreciation of the balance between risk, reward and responsibility - we want people to have intense experiences with real consequences and powerful, positive and memorable outcomes.

A spirit of respect and compassion - we aim to stretch people both physically and mentally. In doing so we act with care, concern and generosity towards people and the natural environment.

Our new strategic plan, Arriving Where We Started, re-defines our purpose and values as a charity and sets a challenging agenda for the future.



Our contact details:

Vanessa Ilsley
Family Liaison Office and Administrator
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Tel: +377 97 70 06 55

Correspondence address :
Sarah O'Connor, President

L'Oiseau Bleu, 23 Boulevard de Belgique,  MC 98000  Monaco

For full information on the Outward Bound Experience please see : https://www.outwardbound.org.uk


The Outward Bound Trust UK
Outward Bound Monaco is totally supported by the parent organisation in the United Kingdom and we work very closely together.  Learn more about Outward Bound Trust UK

® Outward Bound and the Compass Rose are each registered trademarks of The Outward Bound Trust. Registered charity no: 1128090 in England and Wales; no: SC040341 in Scotland. Company reg no: 6748835.

Copyright © Outward Bound Monaco 2016.

Outward Bound Monaco
c/o Sarah O'Connor
L'Oiseau Bleu,
23 Boulevard de Belgique
MC 98000 Monaco

Tel: +377 97 70 06 55
Vanessa Ilsley - Administrator

Locations of Outward Bound Centres in the UK

Website sponsored & managed
by: Carl Henry Global